WhoHears - Issue #2
Hi there,
This is our second issue. The “go-to” place for discovering and enjoying interesting music gems picked by real genuine people.
Thank you for joining us in our mission to share the love for music!
This week favorite DJ gem:
MCDE - “Once you’re into music there is no way out… If you’re in it for real… if you’re in it for the right reasons… you will never lose this. This is always going to stick around with you.”

MDCE's pick for this week.
Stephen Encinas - Disco Illusion
Somehow time passed it by and it was only re-discovered in a warehouse in Trinidad last year. Since then it has been gaining momentum fast, with DJ support from Moodymann, MCDE, Floating Points & Kon, as well as original copies selling for four-digit sums. Part of the illusion is in the structure of the record.
Released: 1979
Gems picked from the vaults of collectors:
If I ever have an existential crisis I want this to be the soundtrack.
Frankie Knuckles - The Whistle Song
Like waking up at dawn, everything is possible, sunlight dancing on your face.
This particular track will still feel like other tracks past and present could only dream of doing.
I dance and cry at the same time.
Thanks WMG for the copyright strike at, what, 6 million views? The track will always be available some way or another so they practically just ruined popularity statistics and good comments.
I want to see a gigantic steam powered accordion with a hundred pipe soft Peruvian flute sounding bag pipe to replicate the beginning of this song.
Playlist of the second week:

Full playlist of this week
By WhoHears
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